Parents' Guide to Healthy Smiles

Kids grow quickly and begin forming habits at a very young age, which is why instilling healthy dental and oral routines as early as possible is essential to their overall well-being. Pelican Pediatric Dentistry is here to help!


Cleanse your infant's mouth with a small, damp washcloth to ward off bacteria and build-up. 

6+ Months

As we know, teething starts roughly around 6 months. Once a tooth (or teeth) start to show, the ADA (American Dental Association) recommends brushing their teeth with a soft-bristled and a dot of fluoride toothpaste. 

~1 Year Old

Roughly around their 1 year milestone you will see their first tooth! At this point you will want to schedule an appointment with a pediatric dentist. At the appointment their dentist will assess their gums and overall oral health, as well as, speak with you about your child’s dental development.

3-6 Years

Children should continue brushing with a soft-bristled toothbrush and a pea sized amount of fluoride toothpaste both morning and night. Caregivers will still need to oversee brushing at this stage to ensure that they are reaching every tooth and are brushing for the recommended ~2 minutes. (Fun tip: turn on a song that’s around 2 minutes and let them brush their teeth for the duration of the song)

6+ Years 

Keep it going! At this point your child should be gaining the confidence to brush their teeth on their own. Caregivers will want to continue to monitor their brushing and now flossing to ensure that their routines are taking place consistently both day and night. 


Teenagers have a lot going on in their day-to-day life and so do you! Teenagers will likely have their own routines, but when given those tools and routines as a child, we will likely see those healthy habits live on. Alongside keeping their gums and teeth healthy, this is also a great time to position their dental and oral care as a form of self-care. For teenagers on the go, consider giving them disposable toothbrushes and toothpaste in on-the-go bags so that they are able to keep up their routines even on their busiest of days. 

Parents, caregivers, one of the most valuable things you can give your children are the tools they need to be successful - in every aspect of their life. Something as simple as a morning and night brushing routine can stick with them over the years and help them to maintain healthy gums and teeth. Scheduling and sticking to their 6-month dentist appointment is also a great way to build consistency and reinforce the idea that dental and oral health is important.

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